The Postage Stamp GardenThe Postage Stamp Garden

About Me

The Postage Stamp Garden

As a child, I loved gardening alongside my parents - but as an adult, I've yet to have the luxury of a decently sized yard of my own. I've lived in a variety of cramped apartments and mousehole-sized townhouses, always pining after a real garden of my own. I've got a tiny scrap of a yard now - the size of a postage stamp, as my mother puts it! - and to turn it into a gardening haven I've had to get creative. If your garden isn't as big as you'd like it to be, read on; I've come up with some fab new ideas for maximising the space I've got, and I'm excited to share them with you on this blog.


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The Five Transformative Benefits of Artificial Grass for Your Front Yard
27 March 2024

Are you one of those homeowners who look longingly

A Guide to Choosing Soil Products for Your Landscaping Needs
12 January 2024

Creating a beautiful landscape requires more than

Making the Most of Your Soil Supplies for Successful Container Gardening
29 June 2023

When you only have a small space to work with, con

What Are the Best Tools For Clearing Vegetation?
27 February 2023

Do you need to clear some vegetation from your pro

Choosing the Right Type of Lawn Mower for Your Outdoor Space
14 November 2022

As an area of your garden that's important but som

The Five Transformative Benefits of Artificial Grass for Your Front Yard

Are you one of those homeowners who look longingly at perfectly manicured, lusciously green front yards, but the lofty maintenance and water consumption requirements send you scrambling to recalibrate your aesthetic dreams? If so, artificial grass might just be the verdant compromise you've been seeking. Here are five compelling reasons why artificial grass could be the key to transforming your garden into a showpiece. Benefit 1: It's Year-Round Green With Zero Effort Read More 

A Guide to Choosing Soil Products for Your Landscaping Needs

Creating a beautiful landscape requires more than just a green thumb and a few plants. In fact, one of the most important parts of landscaping is choosing the right soil products. Whether you're starting from scratch or adding new elements to your existing yard, this guide will help you choose the best soil products for your landscaping needs. Topsoil This is the layer of soil on the surface of the ground. Read More 

Making the Most of Your Soil Supplies for Successful Container Gardening

When you only have a small space to work with, container gardening is an effective way to add a little greenery to your life. Whether you're working indoors, on a balcony or in a very small garden, you need to focus on your soil supplies. Knowing more about why the right soil is important and how to make it work for you can make your gardening more effective. Choosing the Right Soil Read More 

What Are the Best Tools For Clearing Vegetation?

Do you need to clear some vegetation from your property or garden? Whether you're a farmer, homeowner or contractor, the right tools can make the job much easier. So what are some of the best tools in this situation and how do you choose the right one for the job?  Types of Tools to Help Clear the Mess    There are several different types of tools used to clear vegetation. Hand-held tools such as pruners and shears are great for small jobs like trimming trees and bushes. Read More 

Choosing the Right Type of Lawn Mower for Your Outdoor Space

As an area of your garden that's important but sometimes forgotten about, your grass deserves a decent lawnmower. In the interests of making your mowing activities easy and achieving the desired effect, it's worth performing a little research before making your final choice. Here's what to consider. Size If you have a large lawn, you'll generally need a large mower. They can collect more grass at once, cover bigger areas and overall reduce the amount of time you spend mowing. Read More